The 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron: "The Aztec Eagles"

The 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron, also known as "The Aztec Eagles", was a group of Mexican pilots who fought alongside the United States during World War II. These pilots, trained by the United States military, were the only Mexican squadron to see combat in World War II. The squadron played a significant role in the war effort, and their story is an important part of military aviation history. 

The 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron: "The Aztec Eagles"
Image from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs News 

The Background of the 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron

In 1943, the Mexican government offered to provide air support to the Allied forces in the war. The United States agreed to train a group of Mexican pilots, and thus the 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron was born. These pilots were sent to the United States to train in various fighter planes, including the P-47 Thunderbolt and the P-51 Mustang

Vital Support from the 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron

The 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron saw combat in the Philippines in 1945. They provided close air support for ground troops and were responsible for shooting down several enemy aircraft. The squadron received numerous commendations for their bravery and contributions to the war effort. 

The 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron's Legacy

After the war, the 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron returned home to Mexico and disbanded. However, their legacy lives on as a symbol of Mexican and American cooperation during World War II. The Aztec Eagles continue to be celebrated for their bravery and skill as pilots, and their story serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers from all over the world during the war. 

The 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron: "The Aztec Eagles"
Image from Scott Air Force Base

The 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron, also known as "The Aztec Eagles," played a vital role in World War II and left an enduring legacy. These brave pilots fought alongside the United States and made significant contributions to the Allied effort. Their story is a testament to the importance of international cooperation and the courage of those who serve in the military. The Aztec Eagles will always be remembered as heroes of military aviation history.